News — fears

The fastest route to weight loss results....

The fastest route to weight loss results....

The “hustle and grind” is NOT the fastest path to get weight loss results. In fact, for some people, it’s a path to NOWHERE. Especially if you have responsibilities … like a career, family, home, pets, etc.! It’s true: the idea of “go hard or go home” might be exciting at first. But a few weeks later? Not so much. This way of thinking can leave you feeling tired, sore, and worn out! All that stress can actually work AGAINST you. There IS a better path.

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Do you love your body?

I love watching my clients transform their lives and becoming more "BODY POSITIVE” through self care. I love watching the lights come back into their eyes as the start fitting into clothes that used to be tight. Or them noticing the positive influence they're having on their kids. It truly makes my day. 

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Phyllis Thompson
🔥It’s time to get real about what’s holding you back!🔥

🔥It’s time to get real about what’s holding you back!🔥

The other day, I sent an email out to my subscribers that was all about identifying specific fears that might be blocking them from making their goals a reality. A lot of times, we don’t even realize we have fear, but it can show up in our lives as procrastination, uncertainty or other emotions. Today, I am going to take that advice even further! 

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