How to create a killer pre workout routine for better results

What’s up party people, it’s Phyllis Thompson here and today, I am going to explain what I personally do before my workouts to help you put together your perfect pre workout routine.. 

I get asked about this a lot … so I figured I’d walk you through exactly what I do! 

The good news is that it’s actually a lot less complicated than you might think!

Before I get into all of the details, if you don’t already know me, I’m Phyllis Thompson with Beastmom Fitness, and I help busy moms 40 and up lose weight, defy aging and balance their hormones through fitness and nutrition..... and unleash her inner beast in the process.

Let’s start with the top question I get asked: “What do I eat before I work out?” 

 I eat  a mix of protein and carbs, so my go-to about an hour and a half before I workout is usually lunch… it could be sweet potatoes with broccoli and steak or fish with brown rice and spinach or chicken with quinoa and broccoli.... if you’ve seen my stories lately than you've seen my lunch before I workout.

Then 30 minutes before I workout, if it’s early enough I take a pre-workout. I actually do not have a preference on that one right now. I use six star but may look for something better at another time. Then I take c)q10 and L-carnitine (I take the l-carnitine because it supplies more oxygen to my muscles while working out and the coq10 because it reduces the oxidative damage that leads to muscle fatigue, also helping me push a little harder 

Another super important part of my pre-workout routine (that too many people skip!) is my warmup.

“I treat my warmup as part of my workout because it actually is – it helps my cardiovascular system, muscles, and joints get ready to work and prevents injury! Now depending on what I am doing I may walk on the treadmill for 5 minutes if it’s a weights only session.

If I am teaching I have a warm up similar to what we will be doing to warm up the muscles we will be using…. Like skaters, airs squats, shoulder rotations etc or if its yoga I just go through down dog and a few sun salutations to warm up the body.

I also have a killer playlist that gets me going every time. If I hear a song I like but don’t know who it is I shazaam it (that is my favorite music finder) and add it to my Spotify playlist, named "competition prep workouts." That playlist started as stuff to push me through comp prep lifting sessions but I use it for every workout now. It is a proven scientific fact that music can help you push harder during your workouts.

So that’s what I do specifically before each workout. 

But there’s something else I am constantly working on outside of my workouts so that I can get even BETTER results from my sessions.


As one example, I do my best to get quality sleep every night. I am for 7-8 hrs. to recover faster from – as well as everyday stress. I DO NOT PLAY ABOUT MY SLEEP. Y'all have heard me say it time and time again…..lack of sleep effects the hormones….. It can make you eat when you’re not hungry, it messes with your emotional well being, I am legit an emotional wreck when I do not get enough sleep and you don’t age well when you don’t get enough sleep. I ain’t got time for those reindeer games.. 

But back to my pre-workout nutrition,, you’ve heard that old saying, “You are what you eat.” Well, it’s spot on….scientifically your cells regenerate and are made up of the food and drink you put into your body

But honestly,

I try to get most of my body’s fuel throughout the day (not just before my workout!) from healthy whole foods and less of it from inflammation-boosting processed food and added sugars.

It’s kind of like an upward spiral instead of a downward one…. because if you’re consistent…

Your workouts will help you sleep better … and also make it more likely that you’ll WANT to eat healthier foods, too. 

I hope my own pre-workout routine helps you get even more out of yours or create one.

If you are looking for a proven program that works for your current fitness level, your interests, your schedule, and your needs, … be sure to check out my transformation program… you can learn more by simply commenting below or sending me a private message.

Have a great day! Chat again soon.


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