What's all the buzz about Gut health?

Have you ever gone on a healthy food kick and then regretted it within a day or two?

You feel bloated … you have gas … and (TMI alert) you are either spending too much or not enough time in the bathroom.


This can happen when you switch up your diet – especially if you suddenly bump up the amount of fiber you’re eating.

Most of us don’t get enough fiber to begin with, and a big increase can overwhelm your system!

I talk a lot about prebiotics, which are insoluble fibers that make it through your stomach undigested. Prebiotics are the food that your healthy bacteria feed, so they are super important!

You want to eat enough of these kinds of foods (certain veggies, legumes, and grains) – but not too much too soon, or else you could end up with some GI distress!


Top Tips:

  • Women should aim for about 25 grams of fiber a day; men, 38 grams of fiber daily.
  • If you don’t eat much fiber now (fruits, veggies and whole grains), slowly ramp up your intake to the optimal amount.
  • Make sure you drink plenty of water to keep your digestive system hydrated!
  • Spread your fiber intake over the course of the day, vs. eating it all at once.
  • If you aren’t eating a lot of fiber and still have symptoms, check with your doctor.

As it is with everything, it’s all about MODERATION and BALANCE!

I’m on a mission to change lives. If you’re ready to finally make a change in yours and live the life you WANT to live, simply shoot me an email at Phyllis@beastmomfitness.com


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