How to reach those 2022 goals!!

What’s up party people, its Phyllis Thompson  here … and I have a question for you today!

How are you doing on your 2022 goals?  Are you on target to reach them or have you fallen a little flat with the motivation?

I’ve got some tips for you that can help you reignite that motivation if you’re struggling … 

OR take them to the next level if you’re thriving!

But first, In case you don’t already know me, I am Phyllis Thompson with Beastmom Fitness and I specialize in helping women 35 and up balance their hormones, lose weight through fitness and nutrition and unleash her inner beast in the process.

Now, for those tips on sticking with – and crushing! – your 2022 goals. 

This circles back to something I talked about yesterday and a couple of weeks ago. It’s all about THE BASICS,  Right, it’s really not that complicated

If you feel like you’re slipping further away from your goals, or you’ve gone off-plan, it helps to always go back to the basics! I actually had a former client message me about that last night. She said "you gave me the tools, I just need to get back to the basics", and it’s so true.

And by basics, I’m talking about the things that do the MOST to move the needle forward,  helps you feel better mentally, physically, and emotionally.

And for just about everyone, that includes:

      Getting some moderate exercise most days of the week, to be honest if               you’re nutrition is dialed in.... 4 days of workouts is plenty

  • Making healthy whole foods the basis of your diet…nothing in a box sis, I’m sorry..
  • Creating time for sleep, rest, and recovery.... you have to rest and recover…exercise also builds up inflammation in the body, which makes it hold water, you have to have a rest day.
  • Getting sunshine and fresh air, and 
  • Having some fun! I make sure in my clients programming are workouts they are going to enjoy, and outdoor family days if they have a family….let’s be real. If you don’t enjoy at least most of it…you wont stick with it.

When you have your basics in balance, your body FEELS better … your energy goes through the roof … and it makes it SO MUCH easier to get those results you’re working so hard for!

Also, finding a groove with those basics is a sure-fire way to maintain your goals once you reach them!

Do a quick, honest check-in right now to see how you’re doing on your “basics.” A lot of times, we make it way harder than it has to be.

How ARE you doing with them? Let me know...shoot me an email at and let's chat about it.

If you need a little support and accountability, be sure to check out my Mommy Makeover transformation program. We create a customized plan to help you reach your goals and I literally have an option for every budget. So just shoot me an email at the gmail address above, if you’re ready to stop trying to figure it out on your own. If you are ready for a step by step plan to help you get ready for Spring, (It will be here before you know it) email me and let's get you spring and summer readyl.

I ain’t gone say no names but one of my clients is literally having the time of her life on her journey. She has lost over 40lbs and is now happily dating.. I love talking to her on check in days. Seeing the light come on in her eyes and her new found zest for life is why I do what I do.

Thank you for reading! I’ll talk with you again soon.

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