Do you love your body?

I’ve got a special topic for you today that I see SO many Moms struggle with - it’s something incredibly important … but not always that easy to talk about.


It’s how YOU feel about your body … I mean REALLY feel about your body


“Body Positivity” is a hot topic nowadays ...and I totally get why!


Your feelings about your body can get mixed up with how you feel about YOURSELF: your talents, your strengths, your personality, and your spirit.


And when you feel negative about your body, that can translate into feelings of general negativity and low self-esteem. I think we’ve all felt that at one point or another.


I’m going to get pretty personal in a minute...


But before I jump in, I am Phyllis Thompson with Beastmom Fitness, and I help  “busy moms get into the best shape of their lives, unleash their inner beast and  defy aging through fitness and nutrition in the process.


 “I’m going to start by telling you way too much about my personal life as usual. When I got married at 25 years old my husband moved our young family 800 miles away from everyone we knew to the suburbs 40 miles outside of Atlanta. My kids were small, my husband traveled a lot for work and I was 800 miles away from everyone I knew and loved.

To cope I started drinking during the day while the kids were in school....heavily and eating bon bons while I watched tv. This went on for years and the weight just piled on.

I ended up gaining so much weight that I was too embarrassed to be naked in front of my husband and hating the image staring back at me in the mirror and with every passing down getting heavier and heavier my self hatred and body hatred just grew, until I could no longer even look at anything below my neck in the mirror- “Can you relate to this?" 

The worst thing is, those feelings can affect every area of your life. They will determine whether or not you keep working towards your goals and how well you take care of yourself, they did for me. 

Here’s the irony: when you start taking care of yourself and working towards your goals, the negativity and low-self esteem will start to shift into CONFIDENCE and a more positive view about your body.

 It helps if you  SHOW UP for yourself. You’ll start to treat yourself the way you’d treat any other person you love and admire. It builds your self confidence and self esteem and motivates you to work that much harder on getting healthy.


It just takes a few brave steps in a positive direction.


I love watching my clients transform their lives and becoming more "BODY POSITIVE” through self care. I love watching the lights come back into their eyes as the start fitting into clothes that used to be tight. Or them noticing the positive influence they're having on their kids. It truly makes my day. 

When you believe in yourself, you DO THE THINGS YOU SAY YOU’RE GOING TO DO and then some.


You show up for yourself, you put in the work, you meet your challenges, and you get those WINS!


Remember: “body positivity” may be a trendy buzzword, but taking great care of your body is always in style.


So this month, let’s focus on taking intentional steps toward our goals.


Is that a deal?


I’m here to help you find success and crush your goals!  Join my factbook group (weight loss for busy moms) for more tips, tricks, recipes and motivation.


Talk again soon!



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