News — weightloss

How to pick a perfect preworkout snack &  my latest list of favorite grab & go pre-workout snacks.

How to pick a perfect preworkout snack & my latest list of favorite grab & go pre-workout snacks.

The whole idea of a pre-workout snack is to give your body the right amount of fuel to make it through your workout feeling strong, without a rumbling stomach by the end that sends you reaching for something not on plan before you get home for your next meal.

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How to create a killer pre workout routine for better results

How to create a killer pre workout routine for better results

What’s up party people, it’s Phyllis Thompson here and today, I am going to explain what I personally do before my workouts to help you put together your perfect pre workout routine..  I get asked about this a lot … so I figured I’d walk you through exactly what I do!  The good news is that it’s actually a lot less complicated than you might think! Before I get into all of the details, if you don’t already know me, I’m Phyllis Thompson with Beastmom Fitness, and I help busy moms 40 and up lose weight, defy aging and balance...

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How to reach those 2022 goals!!

How to reach those 2022 goals!!

 Getting some moderate exercise most days of the week, to be honest if               you’re nutrition is dialed in.... 4 days of workouts is plenty Making healthy whole foods the basis of your diet…nothing in a box sis, I’m sorry.. Creating time for sleep, rest, and recovery.... you have to rest and recover…exercise also builds up inflammation in the body, which makes it hold water, you have to have a rest day. Getting sunshine and fresh air, and 

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6 Ways to Not Sabotage Your Results this Christmas and New Years!

6 Ways to Not Sabotage Your Results this Christmas and New Years!

 Top 6 Ways to Sabotage Your Progress Over the Holidays: 1. Not eating all day before a party. On the surface, eating lightly all day when you know you’re going to overindulge later can seem like you’re doing something good... But it actually can backfire, leaving you to eat and drink even MORE than you expected because you are so hungry. A better bet: Eat healthy, slightly smaller meals before you head out … and then enjoy your favorites in moderation!

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