
How to increase your energy, for us ladies over 40.

How to increase your energy, for us ladies over 40.

First, getting some fresh air is a proven energy booster. Not only does getting into nature help you physically, but it also can give you a little mental reset – the change of scenery can give you a new perspective, help you destress and keep those hormones balanced. 

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Intuitive eating vs emotional eating

Intuitive eating vs emotional eating

Remember – this is not about “bad” or “good.” It’s about embracing health and listening to your body’s true needs. Learning to listen to your bodies needs is the foundation of intuitive eating and key to balancing your hormones. I take my ladies through a very thorough program that helps us identify what is throwing their hormones off, so we can address it, fix it and take our lives back. If you need help understanding what’s going on with your hormones and the tools to change it, simply reach out and let’s chat. Email me at or shoot me...

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How to "The road to Intuitive Eating"

How to "The road to Intuitive Eating"

Ever feel like you’re out of touch with your body’s signals when it comes to when to eat, what to eat, and/or how much?  Guess what? You are not alone. It’s especially common if you’ve been following diets or restrictive eating patterns to lose or gain weight, or because of participating in sports that emphasize a certain “look” or use weight classes. Which reminds me of when my son was on the wrestling team. He only wrestled for one season because he didn’t like skipping dinner the night before a match to ensure he made weight.

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Do you think about "Gut Health" when you eat?

Do you think about "Gut Health" when you eat?

Toxins, bacteria, and even partially digested foods can “leak out” of your digestive system and make their way into your bloodstream. (this is called Leaky Gut!)  This can lead to inflammation and even trigger an immune system response. Over time, this can cause a whole host of problems like chronic fatigue syndrome, migraines, auto-immune diseases, skin conditions and more.

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