How to increase your energy, for us ladies over 40.

Hey! It’s Phyllis Thompson of  Beastmom Fitness, and this month I am going to take a deep dive into how you can increase your energy....for us ladies over 40. 

But in case you don't already know me, I help moms over 40 get their mojo back; and balance their hormones so they start dropping the unwanted weight and get their libidio back. 

This month I am going to take a deep dive into how you can increase your energy....for us ladies over 40. 

I saw a stat the other day about how the MAJORITY of people say they feel tired at least 3 days a week …


… and that three-quarters of people say that “not having enough energy” gets in the way of their productivity. 
And you can bet if their productivity suffers, so does their overall quality of life. 

I mean, it’s not just about having energy for your job, but it’s also about enjoying your time off! 


I have a LOT of info coming your way on this topic, but today I am going to focus on the VERY FIRST THING you have to do in order to turn your energy situation around.

Now here’s the crazy thing about NOT having enough energy.  

It can feel like TOO MUCH WORK to actually DO something about it...Right! 


On days when you’re tired, the last thing you might want to do is get up off the couch and take action. 

But the fact is… you have to decide to TAKE CONTROL and do SOMETHING to turn your energy around. 

You have to take action. 

It doesn’t have to be a huge action … just something that can give you a spark of energy to help you jumpstart your battery. 

And it’s also possible to actually ENJOY the process.  

In fact, if it’s something you like doing, it probably will work even better. So … here’s one of my FAVORITE ways to get a quick hit of energy during the day. It’s to GO OUTSIDE for a few minutes and just start walking. I turn on my favorite music, podcast or ebook and just get lost in it…

 It works every time.


First, getting some fresh air is a proven energy booster. Not only does getting into nature help you physically, but it also can give you a little mental reset – the change of scenery can give you a new perspective, help you destress and keep those hormones balanced. 

Or, if you like to dance, turn on your favorite song and get moving.....lighten your mood and get that energy flowing. 

You’re almost guaranteed to feel refreshed. 

I told you it was simple :-) 

 We can all get up when we’re tired and get some fresh air, right? 


But the thing is, you actually have to get up and DO it. So it starts with a DECISION. You here me talking a lot about decisions and choices because that is where your power lies. 

You owe it to yourself to live your most energetic life… and that starts with CHOOSING to make that happen!


That’s all I’ve got for you this week, thank you for reading this and until next time….ciao

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