News — pride

How to pick a perfect preworkout snack &  my latest list of favorite grab & go pre-workout snacks.

How to pick a perfect preworkout snack & my latest list of favorite grab & go pre-workout snacks.

The whole idea of a pre-workout snack is to give your body the right amount of fuel to make it through your workout feeling strong, without a rumbling stomach by the end that sends you reaching for something not on plan before you get home for your next meal.

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How to calculate your macros for weight loss

How to calculate your macros for weight loss

The other day I went live in my weight loss for busy moms group on Facebook with a mini “master class” all about macros. I explained and gave action steps to help with this style of flexible eating to help get you the results you want. It works whether you want to gain weight, lose weight, maintain your weight, or try clean eating – without following a strict menu plan. It’s called macro-based eating. It might seem a little complicated at first, but once you get the hang of it, it’s AMAZING!

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Phyllis Thompson
Beastmom Fitness Representing all women

Beastmom Fitness Representing all women

It's interesting that when I started out to make a women's active wear line that represented women that go hard in all areas of their life....I never thought I might be excluding anyone. While that may not have been my intention, I started to feel like I wasn't actually being inclusive either. I am not aiming to be political in any way. But as the mother of a beautiful and accomplished gay woman, I had to make sure I represented who she is in my store.  My 29 year old ah-mazing and brilliant daughter is a proud gay woman and...

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