Beastmom Fitness Representing all women

It's interesting that when I started out to make a women's active wear line that represented women that go hard in all areas of their life....I never thought I might be excluding anyone. While that may not have been my intention, I started to feel like I wasn't actually being inclusive either. I am not aiming to be political in any way. But as the mother of a beautiful and accomplished gay woman, I had to make sure I represented who she is in my store. 

My 29 year old ah-mazing and brilliant daughter is a proud gay woman and she means the absolute world to me and to make sure she was represented here I created a line of pride love bikinis. I am not saying her sexual identity makes up all she is, but it is a part of who she is and I love every bit of her goofy a$$. I hope you enjoy the bathing suits and let it remind you to love everyone.

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