News — emotional eating

You're not weak willed, here's what could be happening.

You're not weak willed, here's what could be happening.

This month I want to focus on one of the MOST IMPORTANT THINGS you can do when it comes to getting ACTUAL results. And this one thing will also help: Your health Your workout/sports performance Up your energy levels Reduce painful joints The quality of your skin and hair Your heart Your brain How you feel now and into the future.

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A recipe and a meal prep tip.

A recipe and a meal prep tip.

Hey there! Don’t you love it when your goals and taste buds collide in delicious harmony? Well today, I’ve got a snack recipe for you and a meal prep tip that’s: Delicious, Super easy to prepare, and A perfect post-workout snack. (Actually, it’s a good ANYTIME snack, but it has the right combo of protein and carbs to help you improve your post-workout recovery.) It’s Pumpkin Pie Pudding and it has just a few simple ingredients.

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7 reasons women should be lifting weights

7 reasons women should be lifting weights

3. Muscle helps you burn more calories.Not just while you’re being active, but round the clock. Studies show that 10 pounds of muscle burns 50 calories in a day, while 10 pounds of fat burns just 20 calories. It might not seem like a lot, but over time, this really adds up. Obesity is linked with a long list of chronic and deadly diseases.

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Do you love your body?

I love watching my clients transform their lives and becoming more "BODY POSITIVE” through self care. I love watching the lights come back into their eyes as the start fitting into clothes that used to be tight. Or them noticing the positive influence they're having on their kids. It truly makes my day. 

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