Hormone Health & Exercise

Hey there! It’s Phyllis Thompson.

I’ve got a couple of important things to cover so I’m going to jump right in…But first, if you don’t already know me, I’m with Phyllis Thompson with Beastmom Fitness, and I help busy moms 40 and up get their mojo back by balancing their hormones, so they drop the unwanted weight, get rid of annoying symptoms and get their libido back…..yep I said it…

Now, we all know that exercise is an important part of overall health, so I am super excited to announce a brand-new free resource for jumpstarting your cardio fitness!

It’s the 8-Week Beginner 5K Training Plan, and you can grab a copy of it right now by shooting me a message in messenger. It’s perfect for beginners or if you’re just jumping back into your fitness routine.

There’s no time like right now to make a commitment to your health and fitness. Especially for my hormone ladies…Now let me tell you why. The key to balancing your hormones may lie in boosting your physical activity and fixing your nutrition so I put together this plan for you.

Now… I see a bunch of people making some big mistakes, so let's talk about avoiding some of the common pitfalls that can happen when you ramp up your walking, jogging, or running routine.

All of those activities can be AMAZING for a lot of reasons.

They can ramp up your fitness fast, they regulate hormonal imbalances, they help your mindset & mood, they get you outside for some vitamin D and fresh air, and are great for your long-term health.

Plus, the only equipment you need is a pair of good shoes… and you can do it pretty much anywhere.

But there’s one important thing to remember.

It’s to START SLOWLY and ignore that little voice in your head if it’s telling you to do MORE before you’re ready for it.

That’s because more than half of all runners get injured every year … and one of the top reasons is because they overdo it, by ramping up their routine too soon.

This is something important to keep in mind when you start working out – either for the first time or after some time off. I’m applying it to walking and running but it really applies to almost anything.

You can get so motivated that you push it too far, and end up with aches & pains that leave you on the sidelines… which is the exact OPPOSITE of what you want.

It can take time for your muscles, tendons, and joints to get used to walking, running, or any weight-bearing activity. And fyi weight bearing activity prevents osteoporosis.

So even though your cardio system might be ready for a longer or faster workout, that doesn’t mean the rest of your body is!

Remember… being CONSISTENT is one of the best ways you can guarantee getting results, so taking a slow and steady approach is definitely the way to go.

A general rule of thumb is to steadily increase your workouts by 10% a week if you feel ready for it.

If you follow the schedule in the 8-Week Beginner 5K Training Plan/Get Moving Walking Plan, you’ll notice that the workouts very gradually ramp up to give your muscles and joints time to adjust.

It’s all about being consistent. Steady, slow improvements will help you reach your goals so much faster than a punishing routine.

“If you’re ready to take the next step to balancing your hormones, getting those horrible hot flashes and mood swings under control and dropping the unwanted weight, be sure to check out my Hormone PROGRAM.

I have 3 spots open so simply shoot me a message and use that hsa to get healthy

Thank you for reading! caio.

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