How to keep your goals fun, so you build discipline and stop relying on fleeting motivation

Hey there! It’s Phyllis Thompson and tonight, I’m going to talk about why we always seem to be drawn to fresh new goals, or the latest fads …

… and how you can use that to your advantage when it comes to your fitness & health and hormone balancing goals!

Before I get into the details, if you don’t already know me, I’m Phyllis Thompson of Beastmom Fitness, and I help busy moms 40 and up get their mojo back by balancing their hormones, so they start drop the unwanted weight, get rid of annoying symptoms and get their libido back…..yep I said it…


Right now I have a fun assignment for you. It’s to think of 3 or 4 fitness or health-related things you’d love to do by the end of the year. They should be enjoyable or something you’d love to be able to say, “you did!”

Think of it as your 2022 Bucket List! 

I’m going to share mine in just a minute, but here’s something that’s really interesting: 

Your brain is actually hardwired to like new, fun, and different things!

When you try something new – or take up a new challenge – it fires up the “feel good” part of your brain.

This is a pretty cool hack to keep up your excitement and motivation for your healthy habits.

If you intentionally seek out fun challenges – even if they are solo goals you’re pursuing for yourself, like lifting a certain amount of weight, doing pull-ups, or eating a different plant-based meal every night for a week – it can keep your routine fresh and interesting and keep you engaged!

So … have you been excited lately about anything fun, challenging, or different?

Looking for a few ideas? Here are just a few off the top of my head: 

  • Try hiking if you’ve never done it before – and if you have, what new trail(s) can you conquer? I love to hike which I wouldn’t have known if I hadn’t tried it. Being a girl that was raised in the city around people that had no desire to workout or challenge themselves it was awesome to tell people about all of the mountains or challenges I’ve conquered and it proved to myself that i can do hard things.
  • Eat a plant-based diet for an entire week (or month!) i’m telling you every time I go plant based I love it and I have a ton of energy. I pull a lot of inspiration for my meal plans I give to my clients from that way of eating.
  • Do a recipe challenge where you cook 2-3 new meals (from scratch) every week. I literally give you a new healthy, delicious recipe every Wednesday

Meditating every day for one month and journal your progress

  • Go on an active date every week: bowling, indoor ice skating, or paintball instead of revolving all your group activities around food

The list of ideas is endless! 

The whole point is to try NEW, FUN things that support a healthy lifestyle.

 And if you need another idea … what about being able to walk/run a 5K? I just released a complete training guide which you can get for FREE.

It’s the 8-Week Beginner 5K Training  Plan, which you can get, just shoot me your a message and I’ll send it to you. I am actually doing my 5 10K monday morning and i am excited to get back out there. My time doesn’t matter to me at all, it is just about being out there challenging my mind and body and staying active

This is just one thing we work on with our clients at Beastmom Fitness & helping them create meaningful goals …  having fun and making them a reality!

And I didn’t forget! As promised… here’s what’s on my bucket list goals for the rest of this year:

Honestly most of you probably already know it….it’s taking the fitness competitor stage again this year and hopefully going pro and at some point getting a crown..why you ask…because i want to show other women dealing with hormone issues that you can completely transform your body, to prove to myself that I can do it and to brag….dead ass…lol

If you’ve got something you’re going to work toward, be sure to let me know about it by dropping it in the comments or shooting me a message in messenger so i can cheer you on.

Thank you for reading! Til next time caio.

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