Stress and hormonal imbalances

Hey there!  tonight, I’m going to talk about Stress and how this little nuisance can contribute to hormonal imbalances and work against your weight loss goals.

But first, if you don’t already know me….I am Phyllis Thompson of Beastmom Fitness and I help busy moms 40 and up get their mojo back by balancing their hormones, so they start drop the unwanted weight, get rid of annoying symptoms and get their libido back…..yep I said it…

Now, back to Stress ok so here is the low on what chronic stress does to your body on a cellular level. When the body is under stress it responds by signaling to the adrenal glands to release the hormone cortisol into the bloodstream.

 (that’s part of our fight or flight response….from back when we used to have to run from a predator like a lion or other forms of danger) .

Then it assembles energy from storage sites in our bodies…it increases amino acids (what protein is made of) in the blood and the liver it then stimulates the liver to convert these amino acids into glucose  or sugar so the body can use it for more energy. It also rounds of glycogen and fatty acids to be used as fuel…because the body thinks it needs to use this energy to run a lion or danger. But you aren’t running from a lion….your job has you stressed out, your spouse or even the economy. So instead of using all of this energy your body has created, it stores it as fat. This is why people with high levels of  cortisol from high stress lives, not getting enough sleep and/or health issues that aren’t taking steps to manage it carry so much belly fat or have apple shaped appearances.

Studies show that too much of it can:

  • Increase your appetite
  • Lose sleep, because your wake-sleep cycle can become disrupted
  • Feel mentally foggy
  • Disrupt your immune system
  • Contribute to high blood pressure and related diseases
  • Play a role in developing diabetes
  • Increase your risk of osteoporosis
  • And that’s just to name a few/

As you can see, cortisol is no joke!

I’m going to outline some things you need to know, so you can give yourself permission to unplug and destress every once in a while (preferably daily!) to help keep your hormones in balance. It’s a super important part of your self-care!

If you’re like most people, it isn’t the actual outside “stressors” that cause all the problems … it’s the way you react to them.

That’s because when your ancestors had to outrun a predator or their life was in danger, they used the cortisol/blood sugar & adrenaline/ that got dumped into their systems as part of the natural stress response….to run

But in modern times, that’s not usually the case. As a result, you can get into a chronic stress cycle where those hormones build up in your body, causing serious problems and weight gain.

The most important thing to know is that you’re not a victim of stress – you CAN take control back!

Studies show that our thoughts and reactions impact our cortisol levels. Doing a little feel-good mindset work can make a BIG difference!

Also, research shows that learning how to be more mindful/aware of your thoughts – and what’s causing them – can help cut back on your stress response.

  • According to Healthline, a study of 43 women in a mindfulness program revealed that when they could recognize and describe what was stressing them, they had a lower cortisol response.

Being able to catch yourself having stressful thoughts will enable you to take a step back before they get out of control… which means you aren’t constantly reacting to them.

How do you  “catch yourself” having stressful thoughts?

It’s actually pretty simple. It means becoming more mindful of your body’s cues and listening to the voice in your head.

For instance, if you’ve ever noticed that your shoulders are tense, your jaw is clenched, an elephant on your chest, or you are holding your breath, chances are you’ve been thinking about something stressful (even if it’s subconscious).

Or if the “voice” in your head constantly says the same negative things over and over again – “I’m so tired!” “I’ll never get this all done!” “No one appreciates my hard work!” “Why can’t they do what I say?” – it’s time to turn things around.

The MOMENT you become aware of these thoughts, it’s time to do some breathing exercises … rework your inner language to be more positive … or just step back and take a little break!

I realize that can be SO HARD to do, but your body deserves (and NEEDS) it.

You can find little ways to “escape” and unplug every day, by going for a walk, enjoying nature, listening (or playing) your favorite songs, reading, or just sitting and “being.”

Studies also show a light-to-moderate workout also can almost immediately cut down on your stress!

Here’s an easy homework assignment: come up with 3 everyday things you can do to take a little mental break. These should be “fun” things that make you feel relieved. Now, just find a little time to actually DO them!

Remember, a healthy hormonally balanced body is more resilient to stress. So Eat right, exercise, get enough sleep, and UNPLUG! :)

That’s all I’ve got for you tonight, thanks for tuning in caio!

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