What's your word for 2021?


Hey Everyone! It’s Phyllis and I want to talk about something today that can set the tone for your ENTIRE YEAR. It can help you make great decisions … set your priorities and stick to them … and even help you achieve your goals! 

PLUS … it can even help you feel GREAT in the process. AND NO, it’s not an energy drink or a miracle cure! I’ll let you in on what it is in a second, but first, if you don’t know me yet, I’m Phyllis Thompson from Beastmom Fitness and I help women like you and me: lose weight, get healthy and take back control of our lives.  If you are reading this click like please as it gets more eyes on this blog posts!!

OK, so what is this amazing tool I am talking about? 

It’s your FOCUS WORD for 2021. 

I’m going to tell you my word in a minute... but first I want to talk about WHY setting your WORD FOR the year is such a good exercise. 

Your word will set the tone for the entire year. It’s basically your 2021 mantra. It’s your intention.

Examples of focus words could be something like “STRONG,” or “RENEW,” or “TRANSFORM,” or “INSPIRE.” 

Whatever word you choose, it should align with your goals and also, maybe MOST importantly, make you feel GOOD when you say it. 

Words with a strong emotional response will keep you feeling excited and fired up! 

If you’re with me so far, give me a LIKE! 

OK … so here’s how and why it works ... 

First, having JUST ONE WORD to keep in mind is simple – and reminding yourself of the word every day will help you stay on track. 

The whole idea is to do MORE things that connect you with that word, and FEWER things that push you away from it. 

For example, if your word is “vibrant” and you go out to eat, keeping your word in mind can help you order foods that make you feel more vibrant – and not tired or bloated later! 

Second, when you’re faced with making a life decision, the word can help you with that, too. 

Here’s another example. Let’s say your word for the year is “PEACE.” And let’s say you’re trying to decide about taking a new job. 

Beyond the normal new-job jitters, does the idea of the new position bring you peace of mind? Will it bring more peace to the rest of your life? 

Or will it increase demands on your time and energy that will move you farther away from feeling peaceful? You can see how this works! Give me a LIKE if you agree! 

It can be tempting to pick a few words for your year, but narrowing it down to just one will help you FOCUS. 

Going after several different things at the same time will diffuse your energy and attention. Focusing on ONE intention can literally transform and accelerate your results! 

That’s why choosing the RIGHT WORD matters. Make a list and really THINK about your word. Make sure you connect with it in a deep and meaningful way, and it sums up what you want MORE of in your life. 

Are you ready to know my word for the year? Here it is …


Going Pro as a WBFF fitness model will completely change my body and life. I’m looking forward to all the incredible opportunities that it will afford me, the travel and women I can reach and can’t wait to take advantage of them and see where they lead. 

What’s YOUR word? Let me know in the comments! 

And … if you are looking for guidance toward your goals this year, I’m here to help!


You deserve to make this an amazing year! Shoot me a message for information on my next transformation challenge or check it me at beastmomfitness.com


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