News — muscle

How to get a handle on the holiday Stress

How to get a handle on the holiday Stress

Not getting enough sleep can affect your mood, appetite, focus, productivity, performance, general health, workout recovery, and even your waistline. Did you know if you’re not getting enough sleep you are less likely  to resist temptation…Yup!!!

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Her vacation was ruined!!

Her vacation was ruined!!

Your mobility has EVERYTHING to do with not only how you move and feel … but with the quality of life you have. That’s why this month I’m going to be talking a lot about your muscles and why it’s SO IMPORTANT to keep them strong and supple (beyond just how they make you look!).

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How to fix your slowing metabolism

How to fix your slowing metabolism

 How active you are each day (including your workouts and your normal activities of daily living) makes up about 10% to 30% of your daily calorie burn. Very active people can actually burn up to half their daily calories from activity! BUT ... studies show that as we get older, we tend to move less, both in terms of exercise AND our general daily living.

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How to calculate your macros for weight loss

How to calculate your macros for weight loss

The other day I went live in my weight loss for busy moms group on Facebook with a mini “master class” all about macros. I explained and gave action steps to help with this style of flexible eating to help get you the results you want. It works whether you want to gain weight, lose weight, maintain your weight, or try clean eating – without following a strict menu plan. It’s called macro-based eating. It might seem a little complicated at first, but once you get the hang of it, it’s AMAZING!

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