How to get a handle on the holiday Stress

Hey there! Phyllis Thompson here.


Quick question for you: How did you sleep last night? Did you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to go?


If that’s something you struggle with – and even if it isn’t – I’ve got a tip for you today.

But first let me introduce myself if you don’t already know me. I’m Phyllis Thompson with Beastmom Fitness, and I help busy mom 35 and up lose weight, defy aging through fitness and nutrition and unleash her inner beast in the process.

Now, let’s get to it. We all know this is one of the most stressful times of the year. So tonight I’m talking about ways to not allow that stress to steal the joy of the holiday season and the power of being mindful – and truly PRESENT – so it doesn’t fly by without you being able to enjoy it.


The holiday season can play a big role in your motivation levels as well as stress you the heck out, it can affect everything from your day-to-day choices, your holiday spirit – and also your overall health and wellbeing!


it … can even effect how well you are sleeping at night.


This is a big issue for many people. According to the CDC, 70 million Americans have problems sleeping from time to time.


So that brings me to my  First tip: Interestingly enough… something called MINDFULNESS MEDITATION can help with all of this, it is a tool to think about adding to your fitness and wellness toolbox.


Mindfulness meditation has been shown to cut the wake time of people suffering from insomnia by up to 50%!


So how do you do it?


It can be as simple as sitting quietly for 5-10 minutes, focusing on your breath, or using an app like Headspace or Calm. Headspace is my new favorite….I use it every weekday after my morning reading before I start my day.


Second tip; Sleep….I know I talk about sleep a lot, but that’s because it has such a big effect on your quality of life…..seriously it affects everything.


Not getting enough sleep can affect your mood, appetite, focus, productivity, performance, general health, workout recovery, and even your waistline. Did you know if you’re not getting enough sleep you are less likely to resist temptation…Yup!!!


It’s all connected. How you sleep can affect your food choices, which can affect your mood and energy, which can affect your workouts, which can affect your stress levels…, and on and on!


If you have problems sleeping, ask your healthcare provider about it, but consider experimenting with mindfulness meditation….Mindfulness meditation will help you lower your stress levels especially this time of year, so you sleep better and have the energy and patience to tolerate holiday traffic, holiday shopping, intolerable family members and simply help you to be more present and happy so you actually enjoy the holiday season. And getting better sleep with help you resist all of the food temptation nonsense that is coming into the office this time of year.


I truly hope you found this helpful, here at Beastmom Fitness we focus on simple solutions & creating health habits to help you transformation your life, transform you from the inside out, feel your best, and find your fittest and happiest you.


If you’re ready to take the next step in your fitness and wellness journey, let’s the link HERE to set up a call.


Thank you for watching! Join me next week as we talk about mindset in my Facebook group (link HERE)….Talk to you again soon.



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