Emotional eating and break ups

It has been at least two weeks since I have written a blog post. I do have to get back to this more regularly. I have been going through a break up and I decided a great way to handle it would be to write about it...publicly..lol  A break up can be tough for anyone. But it is even harder being in the fitness industry because you know you shouldn't give in to the junk food you want to override emotions.

I tell my clients "find other outlets", "you know you are going to feel worse after" but honestly, you really don't care about that shit in the moment.....well....that is until after you've eaten all the cookies, cakes and ice cream you can stuff down and then you realize...shit, I don't feel better.. I feel worse.

Any who, my advice as someone that is sitting in the middle of this emotional roller coaster right now is, allow yourself the time to cry and grieve your loss, eat a little garbage and then decide to redirect and channel that energy. I mean the last thing you want is to see that fucker again and you've gained 20lbs and look and feel like shit.

Decide on the workout program and nutrition plan you are going to channel your energy into until your heart stops hurting and get to it.

Be strategic, that means plan when you will workout at least 5 days a week, do your grocery shopping and meal prep like no bodies business because trust me he is moving on and living his best life.

When you are feeling down cry, meditate, clean, run....do anything but eat after the first two days of food mourning your allowed. That's right, I give you two days to feel sorry for yourself after a break up and cry into a pint of Haagen daz but after that it's time to get your shit together.

Drink plenty of water, keep busy, exercise, talk to a friend, find a new hobby and get revenge by getting heathy.. Hit me up if you want to do this with me. I am on a mission. Thompsonphyl@aol.com

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