News — bikini

7 reasons women should be lifting weights

7 reasons women should be lifting weights

3. Muscle helps you burn more calories.Not just while you’re being active, but round the clock. Studies show that 10 pounds of muscle burns 50 calories in a day, while 10 pounds of fat burns just 20 calories. It might not seem like a lot, but over time, this really adds up. Obesity is linked with a long list of chronic and deadly diseases.

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Helping you get fit and giving back.

Helping you get fit and giving back.

Sooooo today I did a thing.....I get asked often what workouts I’m doing, how often and what I’m eating so....I made you a little workout book full of my favorite moves, with a meal plan and example workout schedule.I hope you enjoy it. It’s only $7.99. I kept the price low because I don’t want that to be an excuse for you to not start.Also $1 of every sale goes to Girls to Pearls. An organization that mentors young girls of color. They teach them to be ladies and how not to allow their scars to dictate who they become.So...

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Phyllis Thompson
Beastmom Fitness Representing all women

Beastmom Fitness Representing all women

It's interesting that when I started out to make a women's active wear line that represented women that go hard in all areas of their life....I never thought I might be excluding anyone. While that may not have been my intention, I started to feel like I wasn't actually being inclusive either. I am not aiming to be political in any way. But as the mother of a beautiful and accomplished gay woman, I had to make sure I represented who she is in my store.  My 29 year old ah-mazing and brilliant daughter is a proud gay woman and...

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